The annual ATP-Bio Research & Innovation Annual Meeting is a closed door event for the biopreservation industry, academic community, and other collaborators in the NSF Center for Advanced Technologies for the Preservation of Biological Systems.
The event connects industry to academic resources and talent through technical and research presentations, networking opportunities, facility tours, and other special features. The event also serves as host to closed-door meetings for the Industry Advisory Board (IAB), Student Leadership Council (SLC), Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Ethics and Public Policy Panel (EP3), and the EWD Advisory Board (EWD-AB).
Event Highlights:
ATP-Bio students and trainees are featured through poster presentations on ATP-Bio and associated research, programs, and projects. Posters present general information and invite viewers to ask more detailed questions of the presenters. ATP-Bio Partners and Faculty will serve as judges for the competition in which the top three poster presenters, plus an audience favorite, will be awarded a cash prize.
ATP-Bio Partners (industry, NPO/Gov’t, and innovation members) serve as mentors for ATP-Bio students & trainees around topics such as future goals, career trajectory, employment or internship opportunities, or simply to understand the field through the lens of an ATP-Bio Partner.
This plenary session will feature a talk about best practices in running an effective high school intern program and why these programs are critical to engaging the next generation of researchers.
This event will allow for trainees to share their annual meeting experiences with each other, and learn about the opportunities provided by ATP-Bio. Discussions include learning about the trainee exchange program, industry internships, and the ATP-Bio SLC, trainees input.